Sunday, March 23, 2008

We are blessed and proud to be dear Shanti's parents

law 1. energy can be neither be created nor destroyed
essence: continuity of existence
implication: afterlife, is a reality

law 2. every action has an equal and opposite reaction

essence: reciprocity of actions

implication: good, gets good and so bad, will get bad

these two universal laws can be used to derive logical interpretations that a person who leads a life of being kind, caring, sharing, forgiving and with honesty, integrity, purity in thoughts words and deeds is entitled to bliss, peace, divinity in this life and also in the afterlife.

our observations and experiences with our dear Shanti results into our inference that she qualifies and is entitled to be in HIS care, be blissful, peaceful, divine in her afterlife. this brings us immense peace which is essential for us to live on with dear Shanti’s memories till our last breath. we are very proud to be her parents.
our sun is the only star in our solar system, and our earth is one place where intelligent form of life ( human beings ) is exisiting ( based on mankind's current knowledge and capability ).
in our milkyway it is estimated that there are ~400 billion stars.
it is also estimated that there are ~300 billion galaxies in our universe
it is estimated that our universe is part of the multiverse ( many universes )

so probability of intelligent life exisiting in this universe and the multiverse is significantly high.

a higher plane for afterlife can be avaliable in any suitable place and in any of these solar systems, galaxies or part of the the age old belief that for intelligent life like humans, afterlife will be only born on this earth again, may not be 100% accurate and true.

mankind always looks up and points towards the endless sky above our heads when we talk of heaven. there will probably be many many many wonderful paradises or "heaven" ...up there in the universe with much higher intelligence and varied and diverse forms of begnin highly evolved intelligent life will be existing and is not known to mankind in our current knowledge and capability.

we humans are very limited by our five senses and our mind and our physical form and all our accquired knowledge and experiences are through our gadgets and instruments based on our technical and scientific knowledge.

the driving force within us and the living beings is demeed to be an eternal and ever exisiting form of energy and an infinitesimal part of the great creator with HIS qualities. this driving force cannot be detected , studied or understood using current human developed hardware and software.

with our very limited knowledge and experience of life, nature, universe and reality, we, dear Shanti's parents feel that only best way forward is to accept HIS verdict and make a sincere effort to live in peace till our last breath with the wonderful sweet memories our darling Shanti has left with us.

we are dear shanti's very proud parents

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